Apply for Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Programme


THE COMBINED Heat and Power Quality Assurance Programme (CHPQA) is a government initiative providing a practical, determinate method for assessing all types and sizes of Combined Heat and Power schemes throughout the UK.

Combined Heat and Power, the simultaneous generation of heat and power in a single process, provides one of the most cost-effective approaches for making carbon savings and plays a crucial role in the UK Climate Change programme.

CHPQA aims to monitor, assess and improve the quality of UK Combined Heat and Power.

While participation in the CHPQA programme is voluntary, the government is committed to increasing the UK’s Combined Heat and Power capacity because of the considerable environmental, economic and social benefits it can bring together with its contribution to security of supply.

Successful CHPQA certification grants eligibility to a range of benefits, including Renewable Obligation Certificates, Renewable Heat Incentive, Carbon Price Floor (heat) relief, Climate Change Levy exemption (in respect of electricity directly supplied), Enhanced Capital Allowances and preferential Business Rates.

CHPQA, by assessing CHP schemes on the basis of their energy efficiency and environmental performance, ensures that the associated fiscal benefits are in line with environmental performance.

The programme is carried out on behalf of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), in consultation with the Scottish Executive, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment and has been running since 2001.

The CHPQA Standard sets out definitions, criteria and methodologies for the operation of the programme. It should be read in conjunction with the supporting CHPQA Guidance Notes, which provide detailed information on how this Standard will be interpreted by government departments and agencies as well as guidance on compliance with this Standard.

For more information and to apply, visit here.

If you need assistance with the application process, please email hello