Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill receives backing from five parties across the UK


Five political parties have officially announced their support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE Bill), urging Boris Johnson that immediate action is needed if the UK is to deliver on its commitments in the 2015 UN Paris Climate Agreement.

The CEE Bill, which was officially published in the House of Commons on 2 November, offers the UK Government ‘a viable framework for climate action based on scientific reality.’

Drafted by an alliance of scientists, academics, lawyers and environmentalists, it aims to ensure the UK plays ‘its fair and proper role’ in limiting global heating to 1.5°C, and conserves the natural world by restoring essential ecosystems.

The Bill’s primary sponsor in the Commons, where it was introduced on 2 September, Caroline Lucas MP, commented: “As hosts of the UN climate conference next year, the UK Government has a critical opportunity to show the climate leadership it boasts of, and to deliver a serious plan to tackle both the climate and nature emergencies.

“The CEE Bill is the roadmap to do this. I’m delighted it has growing cross-party support and I urge all MPs who recognise the urgency of the climate crisis, and the need to make those far-reaching and unprecedented changes in our society, to get behind this initiative so this vital Bill becomes law.”

The Bill has the following aims:

  • Government must ensure that the UK reduces greenhouse gas emissions in line with its legally-binding international obligations to limit global heating to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
  • Government must protect and restore habitats, woodlands, wetlands and the wider natural world.
  • A representative citizens’ assembly must be established to involve people from all parts of the UK to assist the Government determine which policies to include in its emergency strategy to reduce emissions and protect nature.

With 77 MPs from eight political parties backing the Bill, five parties – the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, SDLP, Alliance and Greens – are officially supporting the proposal.

Plaid Cymru’s Westminster Leader, and Bill co-sponsor, Liz Saville Roberts MP, commented: “Climate change is the most serious issue facing the planet.

“No-one is immune to its threat – and it is sadly future generations that will face the worst of its consequences.

“Plaid Cymru is proud to support the CEE Bill, which is a golden opportunity to help fix our climate and restore our natural world.

“It is incumbent on the Westminster Government to put the Bill into law as soon as possible ahead of COP26.

“I therefore call on the Prime Minister to urgently work cross-party towards that goal. We need more than talk. We need action.”

More information about the Bill is available here