Plans to boost electric vehicle charging points in Wales announced


The Welsh Government has published an electric vehicle charging strategy based on a vision that ‘by 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access charging infrastructure when and where they need it.’

Proposed investment of £30 million over five years will be set aside to help with delivery, and a consultation has been launched on the strategy.

Ken Skates, Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, commented: “We are at the early stages of a transport revolution that will see the phasing out of petrol and diesel cars and vans.

“To tackle the climate emergency our transport system must become cleaner and greener.

“Electric vehicles is an emerging market but one that that will be integral to how we travel in the coming years.

“Improvements cannot be driven by government alone, and this strategy will support the public, private and third sector to work together in giving people confidence in using electric vehicles.”

The UK Government recently announced the end of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the UK by 2030.

At the moment just 0.17% of vehicles used in Wales are electric, and discussion with consumers found a number of issues which were cutting their confidence in using electric vehicles.

To address this, the Welsh Government has listed desired outcomes to boost their confidence, including:

  • contactless payment to be possible
  • an associated app-based system, with simple and accessible pricing information
  • consistent information about charging on main roads
  • reliable and available infrastructure
  • 24/7 customer care to support drivers
  • safe, well-lit environments for charging facilities

Other steps to improve access to charging points include better provision at homes and offices, on-street fast charging being encouraged throughout Wales, and a rapid charging network being provided on main roads.

The strategy points out that over the next decade between 30,000 and 50,000 fast chargers and 2,000 to 3,500 rapid/ultra-rapid chargers will be needed in Wales.

The consultation seeking views on the strategy is available on the Welsh Government website until 24 February 2021.