£900,000 plan announced to future-proof gas network until 22nd century


PLANS have been outlined for £900,000 worth of major gas mains replacement programme in Ipswich from January 2020.

Cadent is planning five projects in the town to replace ageing gas mains with tough new pipes which should remain in service until around the Year 2100.

Vince Doggett, Authorising Engineer at Cadent, said: “These projects will help ensure our gas network keeps the local community connected to safe and reliable gas supplies for cooking and heating until the 22nd century.

“The projects will also cut future disruption caused by leaks from ageing gas pipes.”

The schemes have been designed to ensure the local gas network continues to meet rising demand as more homes are built in the area.

Wherever possible the new pipes will be inserted into the old gas mains which will reduce the need for large excavations.

However, some of the work will require trenches to be dug due to the size of the gas mains which will need to be installed.

To enable work to be carried out safely and efficiently a number of road closures and lane closures will also be required, with multi-way traffic lights also needing to be deployed in some locations.

This work is part of Cadent’s ongoing investment across its network to replace and upgrade old gas mains with safer and more durable modern pipes.