New consultation looks at new guidance for permitted facilities that transfer or treat waste electrical and electronic equipment

Photo by lil artsy:

The Environment Agency is seeking views on proposed new guidance for appropriate measures for permitted facilities that transfer or treat waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), including waste cooling equipment (WCE) in England.

This proposed guidance has been produced to:

  • provide improvements in the operation of permitted facilities in the WEEE treatment sector
  • make relevant standards clear, consistent and enforceable

The guidance updates and expands on the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) 2006 publication ‘Guidance on best available treatment recovery and recycling techniques (BATRRT) and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)’.

It also incorporates the relevant requirements of the waste treatment BAT conclusions publication, made under the European Industrial Emission Directive (2010/75/EU). This applies to waste installation facilities permitted under the Directive.

Unless specifically stated, the appropriate measures will apply to all permitted waste facilities that accept WEEE for transfer or treatment (both waste installation and waste operation facilities).

Once published, the guidance will apply to new permitted facilities.

This will be implemented through the environmental permit application process. The guidance will also be applied to existing facilities through a process of permit review.

The Environment Agency will review the existing standard rules that apply to operations involving the treatment or transfer of WEEE once the revised guidance has been published.

This is to ensure they provide an appropriate level of environmental protection and refer to appropriate measures and standards.

This consultation closes at

More information about this consultation and how to take part is available on the Environment Agency consultation website.