Climate risk assessment and resilience strategies are critical for the future of universities, says report

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Higher Education Institutions should develop strategies to evaluate and adapt to potential climate risks such as flooding, droughts and heatwaves, according to a recent report.

The growing threat of climate change-related hazards led a team from 13 UK universities to issue guidance for improving resilience against potential climate threats.

The paper aims to support Higher Education Institutions with developing processes to assess their current and future climate risks, as well as how to adapt to these risks, and how to identify opportunities to strengthen their resilience.

Lead author Professor Rob Wilby, of Loughborough University, commented: “A key message from this work is the need for Higher Education Institutions to move to ‘resilient net zero’.

“This means adapting to climate risks that are already impacting facilities and activities, whilst also driving down greenhouse gas emissions.

“This requires a clear vision of what we are trying to achieve and should engage all communities on and around our estates.”

The guidance summarises latest evidence related to national climate risk assessment and adaptation planning, and offers practical suggestions for senior leaders, professional staff, students and other stakeholders.

It outlines activities and frameworks for mitigating risk. And gives examples of how to quickly evaluate risks of varying severities and likelihoods of climate-related damage.

The report also highlights the importance of a climate-resilient approach to net zero. This is to ensure that steps taken to reduce carbon footprints are also compatible with expected changes in weather extremes.

The paper and supporting case studies have been produced in association with the UK Universities Climate Network – a group of more than 85 UK-based universities and research centres working together to help drive climate action.

The “Assessing climate risk and strengthening resilience for UK Higher Education Institutions”-report is available to download on the Loughborough University website.