Dover lights up its streets with energy-saving LEDs


£1m investment in street lighting where more than 2,500 traditional street light lanterns and 200 lighting columns are replaced with LEDs started at Dover District this week.

The Council has projected a 70% energy-saving as a result of installing the new LED lanterns.

Around 1,980 of these will be in standard lighting columns, and around 70 will be in more ornate ‘heritage’ fittings.

Roger Walton, DDC Strategic Director, (Operations and Commercial), said: “We are very pleased to launch this major project. Brighter, more efficient street lights will help people feel safe at night, as well as helping to reduce light pollution and save energy, reducing our carbon footprint for the future.”

The contractor will also replace around 200 of the district’s existing lighting columns and reconnect them to the network.

Alistair Thompson, Managing Director of VolkerHighways, said: “I am delighted that VolkerHighways has been chosen to upgrade Dover’s street lighting assets.

“I look forward to working with the Council to introduce these new LED lanterns, which will benefit the district’s residents and road users for years to come.”