Evidence sought on free allocation in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme


The UK government and devolved administrations are seeking evidence on how use of free allocations can better incentivise emissions reduction, and protect energy-intensive, trade-exposed industries from the risk of carbon leakage in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is seeking input from the full range of interested parties on:

  • Key questions the review should consider, and the problems the government should be looking at.
  • How the government can make free allocations fairer and more targeted when reducing in line with the reduction in the overall cap.
  • Examples and evidence of carbon leakage to help inform future free allocation policy.
  • Relevant sources of evidence and expertise that should inform the review.
  • All substantive, quantitative evidence that can be provided to help develop the best possible evidence base is particularly welcomed.
  • Significant lessons that are important to learn, from the UK and internationally.

More information about this call for evidence and how to take part is available on the government website.