Free Money for Heat Networks, Improved data access for water retailers and Code changes help Wind and Solar


The policy makers must have been in Bank Holiday mode last week as there’s only a few things to update you on; however for those customers looking to invest in large generation projects, there is some good news.

A Change Proposal to the Connections Use of System Code (CUSC) should have a positive impact on operators of large intermittent generators, like solar parks – termed by National Grid as “Power Park Modules”. CMP314 will align the CUSC standards with the Grid Code making it easier for power park modules to participate in mandatory frequency response.

Ofwat has also approved a Change Proposal, this time to enable greater visibility of, and automatic notification about, customer data uploaded into CMOS by the wholesalers. Previously, the retailer had was not able to ‘see’ the information submitted by the wholesaler for new SPIDs, before acceptance by the Retailer. This included data such as connection date, which made it harder to Retailers to offer a good customer service. Ofwat considers that this change should improve industry communications and provide a better service to the consumer.

Lastly, as BEIS continue their efforts to address decarbonisation of heat, the key dates for the third funding round under the Heat Networks Investment Project has been announced.  Put 20th Sept in your diary if you have any customers wanting to apply for funding to develop a heat network or district heating system – both private and public sectors can apply.

The Department is also looking for management contractors, delivery partners and evaluators to manage, deliver and assess the success of a large-scale regional heat pump roll-out.  For domestic users this project also includes the offer of free heat pump installation and energy efficiency works for those who meet certain criteria – keep an eye on BEIS’s website for more details.

If you have any questions, let me know.


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