Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme opens for environmental organisations in Wales


The Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme is a new £920,000 revenue grant scheme to increase capacity within the environmental non-governmental organisation (eNGO) sector.

The scheme offers grants from £5,000–£100,000 for environmental organisations in Wales to build skills, develop ideas and improve the services they deliver.

The new scheme is being delivered in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Welsh Government.

The Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme aims to:

  • provide support to eNGOs to increase capacity through strengthened governance, financial resilience, community engagement, project development and other relevant skills
  • put eNGOs – particularly smaller organisations – on a more sustainable footing by supporting the development of higher quality projects
  • improve the reach of eNGOs into under-represented communities (ethnic minorities, young people, disabled people, areas of deprivation, etc)

The fund is open to environmental organisations that are registered charities, or partnerships that are led by an eNGO.

Applicants must be based in Wales and developing projects within Wales.

The organisation’s principal aims, or charitable objectives, must be concerned with the protection or improvement of the natural environment.

Applications for this funding scheme are now open, closing on 10 January 2021.

More information about the scheme and how to apply is available on the National Lottery Heritage Fund website.