Have your say on plans to create a zero waste Wales


The Welsh Government seeks views on its plans to make Wales the world’s top recycling nation and help us become ‘a truly circular economy’, at a series of Beyond Recycling Consultation Events across Wales.

The Beyond Recycling strategy outlines how to make the circular economy a reality in Wales and sets out the next steps towards eliminating waste and addressing the climate emergency.

The Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Hannah Blythyn commented on the consultation: “Wales is a world leader when it comes to recycling but we want to go further and move to a circular economy in Wales – where waste, plastic and packaging are reduced and things are kept in use for as long as possible.

“Wales embraced and lead the way with the charge for single-use carrier bags and we want to hear from you about what more we can do to help us reach our ambition of becoming a zero waste nation.

“I know communities and businesses across Wales are taking action and I want to see as many people as possible, across Wales, to come along to these events.

“It’s an opportunity to not only have your voice heard but to play a part in making sure Wales remains at the front of the environmental agenda.”

The aim of a circular economy is to keep resources in use for as long as possible, eliminate waste and make resource efficiency part of Welsh culture.

To help meet these objectives, the strategy will outline proposals to better scrutinise how resources are used, encourage the reuse, repair and remanufacture of more products and materials and maximise the economic and social opportunities that come from having a circular economy.

There will be a number of events held to hear the public’s view on how Wales can continue to be a world leader in recycling and move towards a zero waste Wales by 2050.

The next meetings where the public has an opportunity to share their views are:

  • Wednesday 26th February 6PM – 7.30PM at Anglesey Agricultural showground – Small Exhibition hall, Anglesey.
  • Thursday 27th February, 12PM – 4PM, at Bangor University – Cemlyn Jones room, Bangor.