Letterbox lottery for Climate Assembly


30,000 invitation letters will be landing on doormats across the isles this week onward for the first UK-wide citizens’ assembly on climate change.

From those who accept the invitation, 110 people are then chosen to take part in Climate Assembly UK.

“Public concern around climate change is as high as it has ever been and this is a chance for people from all parts of society to come together, to decide how we as a country can best meet our net zero emissions target”, Mel Stride, Chair of the Treasury Committee, said.

“Net zero is an opportunity, therefore, for people to not just explore ways in which the UK can end its contribution to climate change, but also create a cleaner, healthier environment as well as benefit from the opportunities around creating a low-carbon economy.”

Commissioned by six cross-party House of Commons Select Committees, the assembly will look at how the UK will reach its net zero target and what can be done by members of the public to help reduce carbon emissions.

Key themes to be discussed at Climate Assembly UK will include travel, what people buy and household energy use.

The citizens’ assembly has been launched before the dissolution of Parliament to ensure that following the general election the new Parliament will be issued with a detailed report on the public’s views on how to tackle climate change.

“Adopting the net zero target was a major milestone for the UK, reflecting the strong cross-party support for action on climate change. We now need to set out a clear road map for the actions to achieve net zero.

“It’s very clear that we will all need to play a part in meeting this target and that we all share a responsibility to future generations to do so”, Rachel Reeves, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, commented.

“Finding solutions which are equitable and have public support will be crucial. Parliament needs to work with the people and with Government to address the challenge of climate change.

“The Climate Assembly UK will advise Parliament on how people want us to meet the net zero target, and suggest policies that the Government can implement to secure success.”

The outcomes of discussions will be presented to the six select committees, who will use them as a basis for detailed work on implementing its recommendations.

They will also be debated in the House of Commons.

Climate Assembly UK will run over four weekends between late January to the middle of March 2020 in Birmingham.