National Grid ESO launch Stability Pathfinder phase one


NATIONAL Grid ESO has taken the first steps towards operating the GB electricity system carbon free with a launch of the first phase of their Stability Pathfinder.

“The systems and processes we have in place to measure inertia are appropriate for the levels of wind and solar power currently in operation.

“However it’s important we plan for the future and embrace new technologies as we move towards our ambition of being able to operate the system carbon free by 2025”, Craig Dyke, Head of Networks at National Grid ESO, said.

“We believe our Stability Pathfinder is a step towards that aim and the first initiative of its kind anywhere in the world. We look forward to working with the market to implement the new solutions.”

Stability is the ability of the system to withstand a network disturbance and continue operating normally.

Traditionally, conventional power plants, typically gas or coal, have provided key system and balancing services such as inertia.

The company’s ambition is that they have transformed the operation of the electricity system so it can operated safely and securely at zero carbon by 2025.

The latest stability pathfinder document sets out the timelines for delivering the new inertia solutions, including a tender that has been launched for a stability service to meet a requirement across GB.

This multi-year contract, starting between 1st April 2020 and 1st April 2021, is the company’s first tender for this type of service.

This approach has been developed following the stability request for information, part of their network development road map.

Phase two, which seeks to include a broader range of technology solutions to provide stability solutions, will be launched in 2020.

For more information on the pathfinder, visit here.

For more information on the tender for stability service, visit here.