New public taps allow passersby to top up for free


NEW public tap which allows people to top up their water bottles for free has been unveiled at Elgin in Moray, Scotland. 

The tap is part of Scottish Water’s ‘Your Water, Your Life’-campaign which encourages more people to carry a refillable bottle with them and drink tap water on the go to stay hydrated, save money and help protect the local environment by reducing the amount of waste.    

The Elgin tap is the 18th to be installed across Scotland so far, with the total expected to rise to 70 over the next 18 months.    

Local Scottish Water network services operator Ewan Shand, who helped install the tap, said: “As we reach the end of our first full year of installing our hi-tech Top Up Taps across Scotland, it’s great to bring one to the Plainstones in Elgin.  

“We want to encourage people to carry a refillable bottle when they leave the house so that they can top up from the tap, whether at the Plainstones – or at workplaces, businesses and other facilities across Moray.

“More and more people are making the change, recognising that drinking more water is good for your health, good for your pocket and better for our environment too.”

Since the first tap was launched in Edinburgh in October 2018, more than 40,000 litres of water has been drunk from Scottish Water’s expanding collection of Top Up Taps – the equivalent of 120,000 standard 330ml single-use plastic bottles.