Northern Powergrid schedule resilience work in Bradford


NORTHERN Powergrid has announced an updated route and early 2020 schedule of work as part of its £30 million investment to improve the reliability and resilience of the electricity network serving Bradford.

Taking place between now and the end of 2022, the work focuses on replacing five of the major circuits that supply electricity to approximately two thirds of Bradford’s homes and businesses.

This work will ensure that the local electricity network is capable of meeting the existing demand for power as well as any future increase in demand as the population grows and more households swap their cars for electric ones.

The first phase of the work started in October and is scheduled to run until winter 2020.

It focuses on upgrading two major underground electricity circuits that run between Northern Powergrid’s Bradford West substation in Thornton and its Girlington substation with more modern and sustainable alternatives.

The work involves excavating in the road, footpath or grass verge so that new cables can be laid.

Steve McDonald, Northern Powergrid’s General Manager for the West Yorkshire Region, said: “We’re really pleased with the progress of our work so far which has been completed ahead of schedule.

“We’ve also been working hard behind the scenes to get permission to work across Millennium Green rather than along Bracewell Avenue as we initially planned. This will greatly reduce disruption to the local community.”