Twenty parking spaces or more? You’ll need an EV chargepoint

Electric Vehicles

Government has proposed new legislation to require existing non-residential premises with more than 20 parking spaces to have at least one electric chargepoint.

A consultation is out now for comment which proposes to update the building regulations for both residential and non-residential buildings to include requirements for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The Office for Low Emission Vehicles notes that Building Regulations only apply to premises under construction or major renovation and are not applied retrospectively, therefore the Department has proposed new legislation to to require one chargepoint in existing non-residential buildings with more than 20 car parking spaces.

It is hoped that this will help create certainty for drivers that their destination will have at least one chargepoint, while not overburdening building owners or leading to an over-supply of chargepoints.

The consultation remains open until 7thOctober 2019 and all the documents including an Impact Assessment can be found via the Department for Transport website.