Views sought on hydrogen-ready industrial boiler equipment


Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy seeks views and evidence to inform the development of possible options to enable or require hydrogen-ready industrial boiler equipment.

According to the government, hydrogen-ready industrial boilers have the potential to help industry decarbonise and kick start the UK hydrogen economy.

Today the boilers can run on fossil fuels, but are designed for subsequent conversion to hydrogen.

The call for evidence covers these main areas:

  • how hydrogen-ready should be defined
  • whether hydrogen-ready boiler equipment would enable cheaper and faster fuel switching
  • whether government should take action to encourage hydrogen-ready boiler equipment.
  • the role of the supply chain and how best to maximise the economic opportunities for the UK

BEIS welcomes views from a broad range of groups, including industrial sites, original equipment manufacturers for industrial boiler equipment, Energy Service Companies with an interest in hydrogen, as well as gas suppliers and other companies with an interest in hydrogen.

This call for evidence closes at 11:45pm on 14th March 2022.

More information about this call for evidence and how to take part is available on the UK Government website.