Majority of new homes in England are in the most energy efficient bands, new figures show


The majority of new homes in England are in the most energy efficient bands, according to figures published on Thursday.

In the last quarter 84% of new homes across the country were given an energy rating of A or B, compared to 79% in the previous quarter.

The statistics also show that 392,000 domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) were lodged in England, an increase of 10% from the same quarter in 2019.

EPCs are mandatory for all domestic buildings and provide new home owners with an indicator on how energy efficient their property is and how they can save on costs.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick commented: “This government has gone to great lengths to support homebuilding over the past year by keeping the industry open and operating safely during the pandemic – alongside stimulating the market through the stamp duty holiday and a huge £12 billion investment in affordable homes.

“These latest statistics show the sector remains healthy.

“Building back greener and delivering quality energy efficient homes is a priority for this government and these figures highlight our commitment to helping keep household bills low for people, while looking towards a more sustainable future.”

‘Energy Performance of Building Certificates in England and Wales: July to December 2020’-statistics are available to view on the government website.