Phasing out fossil fuel heating in homes, businesses and public buildings off gas grid under consultation

Photo by Blake Wheeler on Unsplash

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is seeking views on proposals to phase out the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in homes, businesses and public buildings off the gas grid.

The first consultation focuses on phasing out fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid, seeking views on government proposals, including:

  • an end to new fossil fuel heating installations in homes off the gas grid from 2026
  • a ‘heat pump first’-approach to replacement heating systems in homes off the gas grid from 2026
  • requiring high performing replacement heating systems where heat pumps cannot reasonably practicably be installed

Views are sought from the heating industry, consumers, and those with a wider interest in the UK’s net zero ambition.

The second consultation focuses on phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in businesses and public buildings off the gas grid, seeking views on:

  • using the natural replacement cycle as the trigger for phasing out fossil fuel heating systems
  • introducing the policy using a phased approach with the largest buildings first, followed by smaller buildings
  • taking a heat pump first approach to the replacement of those fossil fuel systems
  • allowing the limited use of alternative low carbon systems where a heat pump is not suitable
  • the cost trajectory for the installation of these low carbon technologies and the ability of businesses to pay.

According to BEIS, the consultation will be of particular interest to:

  • non-domestic building owners and tenants
  • low-carbon heating manufacturers and installers
  • grid operators
  • trade and business bodies
  • those with a wider interest in the UK’s net zero ambition

Both consultations close at

More information on ‘Phasing out fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid’ and ‘Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in businesses and public buildings off the gas grid’ and how to take part in these consultations is available on the UK Government website.