Consultation opens on extending Warm Homes Discount


Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a consultation on extending the Warm Homes Discount scheme to winter 2021/2022.

The consultation also proposes a number of minor changes to industry initiatives, small operational changes and some considerations around the future of the scheme, beyond the one-year extension.

Under the Warm Homes Discount scheme, the qualifying customer can have a one-off discount of £140 off their electricity bill for winter 2020 to 2021.

There are two ways to qualify for the Warm Home Discount Scheme:

  • Customers who are on Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit – known as the ‘core group’
  • Low income customers – known as the ‘broader group’

So far, the scheme has reached almost a million pensioners across the UK.

For 2021/22 BEIS is proposing to keep the major elements of the scheme unchanged, proposing to maintain the current spending levels, rising with inflation to £357m for England, Wales and Scotland.

The consultation is aimed at all those with an interest in fuel poverty policies, especially those interested in the Warm Home Discount.

In particular BEIS seeks views from affected individuals, energy suppliers and organisations that represent low income and vulnerable households.

This consultation closes at

More information about the consultation and how to take part is available here