Cornwall Local Energy Market wins industry award


CENTRICA’S Cornwall Local Energy Market has won its fifth industry award of 2019.

On 27th November, the Local Energy Market claimed the best ‘Clean Energy Scheme’ title at the Regen Green Energy Awards.

The Cornwall Local Energy Market, part funded by the EU Regional Development Fund, is a  £19m trial to test out a range of smart energy solutions, the findings of which will ultimately help to support the rollout of more renewable energy on the electricity network.

Earlier this month the project celebrated a world-first, with both the Distribution System Operator and the Transmission System Operator procuring flexibility simultaneously via Centrica’s virtual marketplace.

Dan Nicholls, Cornwall Local Energy Market Programme Manager at Centrica, commented on the news: “This has been a momentous year for the Local Energy Market after the project achieved several key milestones.

“From concluding the installation of 100 solar and battery systems panels into homes across the county, to running a world-first auction process through our virtual marketplace, it’s been a great year and testament to the hard work of our team.

“For the project to pick up five awards this year highlights that our peers in the sector value and respect what we are trying to achieve. We look forward to providing a full report on the findings of the trials in 2020.”