RECCo announces Code Manager bid partners for delivery of the Retail Energy Code

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Following ‘a highly competitive’ procurement process, last week The Retail Energy Code Company (RECCo) announced the appointment of three new service providers to carry out the Code Manager function for the Retail Energy Code.

RECCo is the corporate vehicle for ensuring the ‘proper, effective, and efficient’ implementation and ongoing management of the Retail Energy Code (REC) in the UK.

All three providers will collaborate, so the single Code Manager operates seamlessly to parties, industry and stakeholders.

The implementation of the Retail Energy Code will set ‘an innovative new standard for industry code governance.’

It will mark the transition from a ‘Code Administrator’ to ‘Code Manager’ function, and it is critical that the appointed Code Manager service providers embody this role.

They will deliver this through ‘a consumer outcomes-based’ approach, an accessible set of arrangements in plain English and digital format with robust technical and performance assurance frameworks.

Chris Anastasi, Chair of the RECCo Board, commented on the announcement: “The RECCo Board is committed to the efficient and effective running of the retail energy market, including its systems and processes.

“It is delighted to be working with three established and experienced service providers that are aligned with its vision and will strive to promote innovation, competition and positive customer outcomes.”

Gemserv has been appointed to the role of REC Professional Services provider (RPS).

The company will be responsible for delivering the REC Portal, which parties and stakeholders will use to communicate with all Code Manager services irrespective of provider.

In addition, they will offer support to parties through Operational Account Managers, manage the change process, provide the front-line service desk and the REC knowledge repository.

Jon Harley, Executive Director and REC RPS Mobilisation Director of Gemserv commented: “The Retail Energy Code will modernise how retail energy markets operate, delivering better outcomes for consumers, supporting net-zero and reducing regulatory burdens.

“Gemserv is now focused on getting the Retail Energy Code up and running to deliver these benefits, and we look forward to working closing with RECCo, the other code manager service providers and industry stakeholders on this.”

Deloitte has been appointed as REC Performance Assurance provider (RPA).

In this role, Deloitte will monitor market participant and service provider performance, using dynamic risk assessments, digital technologies and analytics to help drive market and code improvements.

Deloitte will be responsible for administering the REC Party entry, and exit process on behalf of the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) and will develop and implement the REC Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) to identify, assess and mitigate retail market risks, working collaboratively with the other code manager functions.

Walter Carlton, Deloitte Lead RPA Partner, commented: “Deloitte will support RECCo during this period of significant change for the retail energy market.

“The RPA has an important role to play in the new REC arrangements which are intended to protect consumers, provide wider societal benefits through greater reliability and speed of switching energy supplier, improve consumer engagement within the sector, and drive greater energy efficiency and value.”

Capgemini will undertake the role of REC Technical Service provider.

The company will be responsible for delivering and implementing the REC Digitalisation Strategy, development and maintenance of the Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR) and undertaking the role of Technical Design Authority.

The EMAR will contain the digital twin of the code and will include all industry code data items, messages, processes, services and business rules.

Peter King, Capgemini Invent VP Head of Energy and Utilities and Capgemini Exec for RECCo RTS, added: “The role of RECCo is pivotal in accelerating the pace of change as the energy industry transitions to net zero, meets the needs of society, and protects the interests of consumers.

“We are committed to be the digital engine room of this change and working with RECCo, the other providers, and all stakeholders to deliver this.”