Renewables one of the industries at the centre of a new talent programme for Scotland


Renewables is one of the industries a new programme to attract a more skilled workforce to Scotland is set to focus on.

As part of a priority action in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation to meet skills gaps so employers can take advantage of business opportunities, Business Minister Ivan McKee has chaired the first meeting of the Industry Advisory Group for rUK Talent Attraction.

Mr McKee commented: “Scotland needs to attract more working age people to meet the needs of key sectors, to raise competitiveness and to ensure the workforce continues to be a positive factor in inward investment.

“This Industry Advisory Group will explore how best to shape a talent attraction programme which can expand Scotland’s talent pool at all levels, to give employers the skills pipeline needed to take advantage of opportunities, and ultimately benefit our economy.

“To become a competitive career destination, Scotland must match the efforts of other countries with similar challenges and ensure that we offer a high quality service of co-ordinated support to attract and retain workers and their families.”

The Industry Advisory Group will initially focus on ‘high value’ sectors, and occupations within those sectors, as a sub-set of the wider Population Strategy, to increase inward investment, stimulating economic growth and making Scotland a more attractive proposition for anyone to move here.

Priority growth sectors which will create jobs and bring overall benefits to Scotland’s regions and wider economy include life sciences, technology/fintech, advanced manufacturing – mechanical and electronics, financial services, space, and renewables.

The Group will help inform a programme to recruit and retain workers from the rest of the UK. This also supports a Programme for Government commitment to develop a Talent Attraction and Migration Service to bring in skilled workers.