Saturday, May 4, 2024

New guide to help forest managers adapt woodlands for climate change published

A new guide setting out how landowners and managers can adapt their woodlands in the face of climate change has been published by the...

CMA publishes new Green Claims Code for businesses

To help businesses understand how to communicate their green credentials while reducing the risk of misleading shoppers, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has...

£1.3 billion announced to deliver homes, infrastructure and jobs as part of green recovery

Tens of thousands of new homes and other vital infrastructure projects were given the green light with nearly £1.3 billion of investment confirmed today...

UK Green Building Council publishes toolkit to scale the delivery of social value across...

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has published guidance to support the delivery of social value across built environment projects. Since the launch of the...

Women make up nearly 40% of FTSE 100 top table roles in UK boardrooms

Almost 40% of UK FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) 100 board positions are now held by women, putting the UK second in international rankings...

“Now is the time to act” – new Net Zero Roadmap launched

The Net Zero All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has launched its first post-COP26 analysis, setting out the critical pathways the UK Government need to follow...

Consultation asks when to end the sale of new non-zero emission heavy goods vehicles...

A new consultation by Department for Transport seeks views on when to end the sale of new non-zero emission heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) within...

Lack of focus risks felling Government tree planting plans, says committee

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has recommended more comprehensive annual planting targets, better finance schemes and more accurate mapping if the government...

Transparency needed on corporations purchasing viable farm land for carbon offset schemes to avoid...

Greater transparency and information is needed about the purchase of viable farm land in Wales by corporations using carbon offset schemes, the Welsh Affairs...

Climate change remains most pressing problem of our time despite pandemic, new research suggests

Despite the health crisis, climate change is still seen by the public in several European countries as the biggest issue that mankind faces, according...