MOSL announces successful projects from latest round of Market Improvement Fund


MOSL, the market operator of the non-household retail water market, have announced the winners of the second Market Improvement Fund round.

The Fund offers individuals or groups up to £150k from a £1.5m fund for projects that improve the non-household market.

MOSL received 13 bids in total, equating to over £1.4m in requested funding.

All bids were reviewed for eligibility and scored by the independent Selection Committee and subsequently approved by the Strategic Panel.

Steve Formoy, MOSL’s Director of Finance and project sponsor, commented on the announcement: “We continue to be delighted by the quality of the bids we’re seeing submitted to the Market Improvement Fund.

“We’re pleased to see so many projects tackling some of the biggest issues in the market, with several aiming to help the non-household market drive water efficiency benefits for customers.

“We look forward to following the successful applicants as their projects progress and sharing these updates with the market.”


The Selection Committee has awarded £740k in total to eight successful bids, which include:

Project ‘Discovery’ – NHH customer segmentation and consumption benchmarking 

Applicant and sponsor: Anglian Water Services

Delivery partner: Artesia Consulting

Project ‘Discovery’ aims to better understand the potential contribution of the non-household water market to the wider demand challenges facing the industry and inform water resource management planning. It will look at testing the value of customer segmentation and consumption benchmarking in delivering demand reduction, which will result in the development of a national consumption benchmarking model that can be applied across the industry.


REDUCED – Raising Efforts to Drive User Consumption Efficaciously Down 

Applicant: Isle Utilities 

Sponsor: Wave Utilities

The REDUCED project will create a searchable online portal, giving retailers access to emerging technologies that will address customer pain-points, and verified technology developers access to retailers for trial opportunities. The portal will serve as a collaborative tool, enabling users to develop new skills and behaviours and further driving competition and the water efficiency profile of the non-household market.


Consumption Awareness and Benchmarking. To utilise granular consumption data for improved market outcomes 

Applicant: Yorkshire Water 

Sponsor: MOSL

Delivery Partner: Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA)

This project aims to address the ongoing issue of how to make the best use of trading parties’ differing sets of granular consumption data for non-household customers by finding a way to actively share this data with the market operator. It will utilise granular trading party consumption data already collected via smart metering and data logging activity to create methodologies to assist the market and explore ways to accurately forecast non-household demand.


More information about the winning projects is available on the MOSL website.